Indian Femdom

Bhagwatis coal black, slim, slender, talented fingers, NOT polished, slim strong wrist…”padi likhi” and more ..

Her naturally well educated fingers! Came out as fingered when I initially typed it. Both spot on, no pun! In India, lots of emphasis is placed till this date amongst both rich and poor about “studies above all”. Even the dhoban and her daughter I so cherish and worship, same thing, the older lady is …

Indian Femdom

The thought of MASSAGING her, serving her – is always paramount!

But your massage not professional, giggled a certain Carol back in the day.. And she was right. I didn’t now it, but despite following all the other tips laid out in (that I teach in) “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from mainland China“- I was massaging her feet the way I thought was …

Indian Femdom

She was asking me the perfect exercise to cure her aching legs… Xx

Out there in the park today, was interesting! Is, actually! This is a work in progress. As I was working out, stretching out to the max, a little kid, perhaps all of 2 couldn’t stop staring. I normally get really irritated when adults stare holes through you which they often do. But little kids do …