I wrote about this earlier on YouTube when the sites were down. This lady ..one of many Indian ladies of course! Truly a Goddess, the way she walks, head thrown back, feet forward – my! Her younger daughter is no less of a Queen. No wonder my SO doesn’t like either of them. Hehe. I …
Ma ji, paye lagu! Part five!
Part four? Or five? Nah. When it comes to Majis as I so fondly and sexily call Bhagwati Devi Ji, my first instinct cannot be wrong! As it wasn’t walking past this older Indian lady sunning herself today in a chair. Something about the feet stood out from a distance! Well maintained. Almost like a …
Afghani women …x
This afternoon, I saw a lovely older Afghani lady walk past. Fully covered. The lovely feet as always caught my attention! Fair in a manner different to the “fair” in India, yet very similar in many regards – such a turn on! Fully covered, either in abayas or other garments but the feet always clean, …
Feet, feet, and more lovely Indian…FEET!
Feet all around me. Nothing new there is it? Hehe. Nah. I didn’t think so! But I’ve been seeing something even more special. ONE sole. ONE Indian sole pointed straight at me all day. Different ladies – Queens – goddesses, so called under trodden women! And like I keep telling you each woman needs her …
Strong, confident – even BOORISH Indian women. My!
I’ll never forget my SO sagely telling me how women cuss just as much as men – if not more. And I agree. Why not! I’ve said so often on the other site – why shouldn’t SHE come home from work – burp – spread her legs – and demand to be serviced – a …
A queen by birth (right) is she. Paye lagu, madam…ji!
Working out in the park in the heat in a state of utter exhaustion, something happened to me that happens all the time. Routine. An Indian maid covered from head to toe – she even covered her face so the sun doesn’t hit it x – pointed her soles at me.. Brown,.lovely, tired, dirty while …
The younger dhoban, and the “bheege billi”…
The latter? This lady… Well, I don’t know if that’s the right post! But you on the list know. Bheege billi – in Hindi – drowned cat. Hehe. Remember that Indian Goddess I once offered an umbrella to in pouring rain – the one I keep seeing? I bet! The same lady, supposedly a lower …
Pressing Jaspreet Maams soft, cute, feminine, well manicured hands.
Remember her? I do! Always will! As I contact her today, her the lady who was literally talking to an agent about hiring servants in the bank – at work – hehe – addressing her colleagues imperiously as “tu” (why Madam calls me Sir is beyond me, hehe). . . . . . I remember …
Royal Bhagwati Devi kicks my BUTT as she BASKS comfortably in the sun and I work…
It’s a scene straight out of those lovely sas bahu serials in India which have so much femdom coming off them I sometimes wonder why guys watch anything else at all! My, smoking hot female to female femdom interaction – India is brutal as it is, so is the femdom! A favorite punishment of the …
Truly a SUPREME, venerable INDIAN Queen and Goddess!
Looking at the picture below, a workout was the last thing on my mind. The bottom of Madams toes were though! The only thing that truly matters. Under foot, under HER feet forever! And that’s that x. Best Mike Watson PS – These sort of Goddesses are what inspired Sissy Workouts. Truly a once in …