And much like the girlfriend all those years ago, she HATED it initially. Well, I take that back, or maybe I dont, I don tknow. It’s interesting, she didnt mind my foot fetish at all. “Pero pe kar lo!” she’d often tell me giggling. (jerk off to my feet!) No “boy”, you’ll see, but that …
Blue track pants, tired and sweaty soles, and more!
Imagine THIS, footboy! Your Mistress comes HOME. Tired, irritated, and sweaty. First thing she does as you’re working out outside? Is BANG the bedroom door shut! No entry boy! I want my privacy! But before she does that, she sees you, cuckie, catching a PEEK of her sprawled on the bed, legs spread wide apart …
Sucking her BIG toe like it’s a COCK!
I’ve mentioned in the Sequel to Serving an Indian Goddess the BRUTAL experience with which two African men “took” yours truly cucked – – without warning – – for the first time! The pain I felt as those long massive dicks were pumped into me was beyond belief! Remember, I do NOT advocate this sort …
When you want to cum SO DESPERATELY To her soles you can FEEL IT!
I mean, really. I wrote about her bare sole HERE … And the exact situation, and why I’m insane with lust now. And if any of you cucks saw it youd be SALIVATING AND WANTING TO give her your bank account right now, boy! And if you don’t, you’re not a true femdom lover. And …
Why findom and femdom are so closely integrated, and the KEY that BINDS them!
Lots of folks think femdom and “findom” are seperate things, and fetishes. That “it’s just about me giving her money”, and “those that want femdom – thats different!” Well, maybe the nitty gritties are different, cuck. Or, my friend, I should say on this one. Heh. But the COMMON KEY? Is only one … Is …
The BRUSH off my SO gives that YOU LOVE, cuck!
You love being humilated and ignored, don’t you cuckie boy!! ? YEs, you do. Especially if you’re a cuckold named “Schofield something” which a friend just told me about (apparently this Bozo is one of the types that messages women late at night asking them if “he can be their servant” and gets roundly KICKED …
Indian maid sitting in the park – her soles CAKED with dust and GRIME!
Picture this, footboy. You go out in the park – to the park for a workout, or walk, or just to get fresh air, or a combo therein. You do a lot of pull-ups – pushups and whatever exercise you learnt from the Miss V owned fitness business that yours truly STUD adminsters for, and …
Sun drenched workouts, and massaging perfect Pooja Memsahib … in the SUN!
That, my friend is not one of the experiences I wrote about in the bestselling Pooja Memsahib series – a series SO BLASE that even hardcore fetish lovers are taken aback. Much like Pooja herself, a USER and ABUSER par excellence, the tone is BRASH – CRASS – and abusive! And her GRAVELLY lovely voice …
The stud needs a foot massage, boy!
Remember Princess Joanie, bitch boy? Her on the cover of – – Humiliation Central, Cuck Central and indeed the book on her … And her feet, actually! And if you’ve got the book, you’ll learn about how this lovely young VIPER like lady ENSNARED me (and I’ve been called smart!) from the word go – …
The young and UBER DOMINANT Force of NAture known as Mahima Madam …. JI!
Down! … BOY! Footboy, listen up while you’re down there under her feet. Mahima Madam is a perfect young INDIAN GODDESS! And her friend opposite her is even more perfect! They’re not 18 anymore, sure. They don’t go to college anymore …. … they’re about TWENTY THREE and equally YOUNG and dominant right now! And …