Perhaps no other “accroument” or adornment, or whatever it’s called does it femdom wise for me, and in general as the mighty nailpolish! (even more so than ANKLETS, which are so sexy enough by themselves!) Or, as they say in India and certain parts – “nail paint”. Hehe. Well, you’re painting the nails, boy! But …
Why I dont “marry” . . .
Well, first off, if you were to ask me in one line – I’d say because I dont believe in labels! I dont. Many a lovely, budding, sexy, romantic relationship (not for me, but in most cases) has been ruined to the point of “daily humdrum and nothing else, BORING and nothing else” and often …
Saloni Madam and Payal Ma’am
SO SEXY! “you’re so hot!” a lot of girls keep telling me. They dont so much mean “I’m hot” i.e. looks, physique etc. I work hard to maintain that, yes. But what they mean is the MIND. I always reply with “My honor Madam!” And the words, just words dont do justice to it. If …
Why I SO love women gripping my dong with a VISE LIKE GRIP!
Yes, so hard that it hurts often! One tale I didnt mention in Sin City Diaries was one of those lovely girls in China giving me a hand job x 10 – inspired by porn apparently, she’d keep jerking the damn thing DOWN as opposed to what you should do in a handjob i.e. jerk …
The best thing to wake up to … (for a femdom lover)
My WORD! As I was finishing up some hardcover books on Amazon, I noted there was a problem with the cover page on one of my Chinese femdom compilations – curiously enough, although it’s the same cover I’ve used for the Kindle Book and Paperback, the hardcover for some reason “barfed”. It is the FIRST …
“It so is..Vanilla life is so dull…Give me full on Kink any Rolling on the floor laughingday..”
Lots of folks in the vanilla world view us fetishists and BDSM enthusiasts as crazy, abnormal, a combo therein as such. These are also some of the most BORING people ever my friend – curiously enough, a lot of people that “hate” – have these same fantasies, or more – except they dont admit to …
“Mystery, you’re wiser than your years, and always have great advice!”
So said a lovely lady and someone I consider another pioneer at femdom – Mistress Irene! She said that about me once on a forum I was posting in, about my replies etc. I was all of 26 at the time … But it’s something as I told Princess Dani – curiously enough – SHE …
Why we all need to support Princess Dani the best we can right now.
I wrote a long post about cheapskates and how they piss me off and Bozo Schofields that take dumps in public (ugh, that guy is just plain HORRIBLE!) HERE … As if on cue, Madam Dani – she’s been feeling down as of late emailed me. I’ve been exhorting her to tell me whats wrong …
The type of cock nigh EVERYONE, dominant or submissive or NOT LUSTS OVER – those cocks that send us into PAROXYMS OF UTTER LUST AND DEVOTION, but the cocks that are never talked about or SHOWN!
I’ve made no secret of two things, my friend – three, but the third is the Vietnamese tranny I recently met, and she’s my Madam, owner, Goddess, my dream, my DESTINY – all in one! She’s so NICE! So soft, so FEMININE, so SEXY, and her DONG – could be MINE! Those large succulent nipples …
Auntie – or Memsahib – or Madam … JI!
And which one would I use? I dont know, I wrote the TRUE tale of Pooja Memsahib … JI! which is one of the best received books I’ve ever written (see the review here – more are pouring in, just like my sissy cum does when I’m probed anally, hehe, which happens so often!). Actually …