And she had several emoticons with it too – MAdam was angry, frustrated .. yet, not! She’s so NICE! ???was what she used, which is what many people use when “Actually” frustrated, but they show a “smiley face”. Now, that aside, I saw Ma’am on a different Twitter account. The discussion was about some “languages” …
More on Pooja Ma’ams ROLLS of fat, why they’re SO NICE!!
As I recently wrote on Twitter… The rolls of fat around Pooja Maam’s waist are so, so sexy! Women should be natural, it’s the best, no pressure to conform to idiotic standards, should be worshipped ANYWAY! YES MA’AM!! YOU’re so , so NICE! REALLY! And as I wrote (again – Twitter) You feeling good and …
“Kamar Mal De”!
Ma’am is so, so NICE! REALLY! A long, long time ago – and Ms Priyanka told me about this – there was an advertisement in India – or maybe, I dont know, the entire subcontinent – of a brand named “Moov”. It was basically one of those ointments for aches and pains. And the ads …
The lovely Indian NURSE that put “gel” on my nipples to put “electrodes” on …
Now, this isn’t the sort of electrodes you’d expect. No nipples torture! Certainly no BDSM either. But it’s an incident thats stuck in my mind for nigh YEARS. Many years ago, I think in 2011 or so, but I cannot remember the exact year, I was headed to the Middle East for some rubbish. It …
Why I DON’T like being her footstool, hehe.
I still remember Madam Rendy, a lady I once met … I think in 2017, then again I believe in 2019 (when she was breast feeding, and hired me to go to the Trade Fair in China, and so forth – long story!) … I still remember me running full tilt after a taxi that …
I want to press Kathy’s feet all night long, give her MAX pleasure…
I truly do! Kathy, or Madam Kathy, or perfect Madam Kathy as I dont call her (as yet) – but think of her NOW … I worked for this lady once! Being a dancing monkey, hehe – except the teaching job I so hated, I just did it for Kathy. Their regular teacher wasn’t ther,e …
Why I so love cleaning Maids feets
“Maid’s feets”. “Ma’am, can I see your feets!” … A direct translation of the “Hindi”, I believe where the “per” is both singular – plural – i.e. foot! I call them “Charan” as Priyanka Ma’am taught me SO WELL! Means, holy feet, meant to be worshipped like the Queens and Goddesses they belong to! Literally, …
Why dominating, DOMINANT Indian mother in law’s are SO DAMN SEXY!
Ma Ji, Paye Lagu! I wrote about that on the other site! That was such a sexy scene, and she was old, fat, wrinkled, everything a certain Madam Yiyi said … “My face so full of folds!” “Fat too”, I giggled back. “YEs!” And I waxed lyrical and MEANT EVERY WORD – Madam, it doesnt …
“Rooster for milk, bulls for milk”, so they said …
Dear Friend, I saw – or should I say, I got forwarded the following by a friend. “If you dont think gender matters, try buying a rooster for eggs, and bulls for milk. You’ll soon learn God knew what he was doing…” I cannot remember the second line verbatim, but it was that. And it …
Why I so LOVE Carol Ma’am “jootis” …
I’ve been thinking Carol for a while – and pink slippers – and the lovely redoubtable Miss Summer, and her pink slippers – and Madam Christina (again with pink slippers) … WOMEN – most – have pink slippers, boy! And so do sissies, except the difference is the latter keeps them CLEAN – both theirs, …