Thought of the day, and a short one at that – I just saw a lovely lady (mind) on Medium saying “dont call me Mrs”. I dont know if she is married, divorced, in a relationship, single, not, trans, not … (perhaps not) … But as soon as I saw the title it hit home. …
The sexy Indian Goddess that I think of EVERY morning …
I saw Madam last Sunday, in a crowded, yet (so called) upscale “market” in India. I saw her decked out in WHITE – just like Madam Krystal, except this Madam was somewhat slimmer, but she had the same white dress! And the SAME size feet, could be Chinese! And .. the same heels! Much like …
That lovely sole shot, those lovely Indian girls…
Reason for what you might ask, those that read the “subtitle” above? Well, a reason I’ve been unable to get my mind off … FEET for the entire morning! Thats nothing unusual for me, of course. But last afternoon, I was out and about, and the first thing I saw? Some lovely Indian girls out …
Indian girls, those lovely BROAD soles!
Especially those somewhat on the heavier – or “older” (so called older, I love it anyway, older ladies are better, the mind is even more dominating which is what counts and matters!) … side. I dont know, ladies from the subcontinent – Indian, Pakistani, maybe even Bangladeshi. There is SOMETHING to their feet! Fair skinned, …
It would be so nice if you could kiss a woman’s foot to apologize to her, and it was socially accepted, the thing to do!
It should be that way, Ive lost track of the number of times I’ve wanted to drop down and worship, not just because she is superior and deserves it – but on the rare occasions I’d like to apologize to her (non fetish related, and rare, because I usually agree with all she says. Hehe. …
Madam, thank you so much for your SOCKS, the bottom, MAdam, thank you so much for showing me, on cue, my true PLACE – in life!
And I am happiest underfoot, and under MADAM! She was sitting outdoors in the park. An older lady, all clothed, a large red shawl over Madam’s shoulders, and she was eating an apple too! And I dont know, in the sun there, she kept flexing her lovely … covered (with socks) – feet! Not just …
Paye Lagu, Madam Ji! – and, those pubes DRENCHED in real man JUICE!
First off a bit of a tribute to the black dude who I just saw. Hes so sexy, so nice, with a flat slim chest like Master Wang, his dick is even bigger and longer! While some guys have pubes “at the base of the dick”, this dudes lovely curly pubes extend all the way …
Why Lucy Ma’am’s parents never met her boyfriend!
I’ve written enough about Princess Lucy and her many studly men, but it’s never enough! HEhe. Today, as I spoke to her after a while, it’s almost Chinese New Year now, I asked her about her lovers. And if she took him home to meet her parents. Now, for those that dont know, the insane …
Master Wang stuck his lovely tongue out!!
I never expected it – from me – and him. I’ve seen him post his lovely cock, that cock I know so well if you get my drift so often on Twittter, the dong tantalizing, long, teasing, the absolutely lovely THATCH of dense, sexy, manly pubic hair especially at the base of the penis, which …
“I am independent. I pay my own bills. I am NOT kept…I …”
I wish I could find the lady – the Indian Queen and Goddess who posted this on Twitter, so brazen, and completely non findom related. “I am independent. I pay my own bills. I am NOT kept. I do the keeping! … (I forget the exact quote, but that was the gist)” My hands are …