Indian Femdom

Her blue SPECKED nailpolish drives me crazy with LUST!

Madam is so nice! Even in night slippers, nothing fancy at all, that lovely smile of hers – and I couldn’t keep my eyes, sunglass covered though they were, from those lovely feet I’ve always noticed! Blue nailpolish, now I’ve written about DARK colors before, specifically bright and dark, like RED – or blue, and …

Indian Femdom

Some movies just have FEMDOM slapped, and written aLL OVER THEM!

I dont know if I spoke about it, but once upon a time I watched a Hollywood movie I wrote about – which seemed to have utterly NO purpose “how do movies like this get made”, or “how do mindless mish mashes of movies, mind numbing to a T” even get conceptualized, or made …

Indian Femdom

Dark skinned Indian ladies flicking, pinching my NIPPLES, those strong dark forearms..

Indian ladies have their own charm, right down to that lovely accent of theirs (well, those from the subcontinent!). Perhaps Pakistani ladies too, but Indian ladies, a lot of them have such DARK skin (which apparently like in China is looked down upon) -its the “workers and peasants” that have dark skin, therefore … the …