Walking back in the summer heat in temperatures only a crazed fitness expert would walk in (me – hehe) my mind was focused on the lovely Bhagwati. Those lovely wrists, those coal black forearms wielding the broom so expertly, those black eyes, deep caring pools of sexy wisdom… … I’m not sure where she is …
The power of WORDS and the sheer VIBE driving that POWER.
As mentioned here – power is probably the ultimate aphrodisiac, either from a submissive standpoint – or dominant! Read that, and then – well, some random thoughts which may or may not make sense. If you think about them they might! Everyone has these preset expectations, theories. Cucks are “gay”. I’ve debunked this foolishness, as …
Profound Pose – yet again!
I haven’t written about her in a very long time. Shes still around though, is the venerable Rachna Ma’am. And as I caught a glimpse of her outstretched FOOT this morning – again, one of those “nanosecond” glimpses – the foot – the ankle – the anklet – all nothing special – but that lazy …
The sheer POWER every woman – every – has over footboys!!
Maybe some don’t even realise it – but deep down inside they all do. Walking back home after a soothing smoke I saw this “big” – gross understatement! – Indian lady decked out in all BLACK. She was probable obese x 10. I’m being kind there. Not the kind of sexy “a bit fat” tummy …
The best part about being with Malti, Bhagwati etc …
It’s not just the age difference which as a coy Bhagwati still won’t tell me “shayad bade hai hum”. Maybe I’m older than you. Maybe? Giggle. I’ve always found it cute, the topic of age and women, especially when they’re older than I am. Anyway … Remembering a hot sex session one day with Bhagwati …
Harleen Ma’am, paye lagu … Memsahib..ji!
Harleen K …. Well, I won’t post the whole name here or her IG ID etc. Maybe I should. madam wants it! Over the past few days, I’ve been constantly seeing this leggy (not so best technically, perhaps a 5?) lady with like 600000 followers posting away. All she does is take normal pictures of …
Why Bhagwati Devi remains my #1 bitch, and always WILL.
At least for the presumable future. I spoke today about taking RESPONSIBILITY for your actions, thoughts etc. Most fail miserably here. Bhagwati, who an SO once called the “FBI” – rightly so in many ways – does. I’ll never forget hiring another maid to do the dishes, and after she left, Bhagwati showed up, and …
The dhobans dirty UGLY big bare manly soles would make your hands go straight to your nipples, footboy!
I’ve written about these things so many times. That pose she strikes (or he). Momentary. Fleeting! But it makes a lasting impression doesn’t it? Lifelong, forever… The young dhoban is one of these kind of ladies. Even without any nailpolish, no makeup on her feet, you can tell she is a Goddess. Right down to …
Managing that Harem.
A long time ago, a Jie Jie (elder sister in Chinese) made the comment about “you should open a foot massage parlor and sauna and enjoy with all the girls!”. She was so right – hehe – I just did not fully realise the importance of her words and the truism behind them at the …
Should slaves be leashed, COLLARED – and NAKED?
It all depends! Variety is the spice of life, my friend, and sexual relations too as I keep saying on Spicy and Erotic Fetish. It’s the tag line there! I don’t have any hard and fast – no pun – rules – except this. And most don’t understand the true meaning of the words even …