Indian Femdom

Priyanka Ma’am, you’re so dominanting, DOMINANT! 😘

An open letter to a certain Priyanka Ma’am, or any other Ma’am who I come across. Sometimes, it happens – while doing business it often does, women reply to me, usually from customer service. And sometimes, their decisions are hard to comprehend, and NO reason is given. Hehe. Which is great, they never ever need …

Indian Femdom

The swell of Pooja Memsahib … JI!s lovely pristine fat breasts, her rolls of fat, so enticing, that LOWER portion of the breast showing… the PURPLE SARI!

Paula Banda Rendon wrote in a (one of her) great reviews for the book “Serving an Indian Goddess” that men from the subcontinent find the sari very attractive, and often times pictures are taken of a woman from the side “showing the side of her breast” – and the hips – and more! (and the …