If you’re deeply, deeply into femdom – and have those deep desires like everyone does – usually unaddressed, let alone satisfied or even attempts made at the same – then the WANT part won’t be an issue. But way too many people fall short here too. The key thing is to keep your desire GOING …
The state of the maid’s lovely SOLES Today.
My, those soles are so lucky for me, my friend! And my state today, I was thinking about touching her feet for hours, pressing them – it kept going around and around in my mind as I saw girls all around me (more on this later) – and finally then her, with those lovely BROAD …
Such a regal older lady at 88!
As I think of a pair of soles I saw this afternoon, close enough for me to touch – the toes so beautiful and pretty, I wish I could have taken a picture – it was the Indian maid and her friend I write so much about! Her friend, actually, a giggly older lady … …
Women should ALWAYS mistreat dogs. MALE HUMAN DOGS THAT IS!
Now this afternoon, I saw something very sad – something I see so often! Pets being mistreated. A friendly Lab – yellow lab was jumping up on a girl, who seemed VERY dominant from her attitudeĀ – and feet too – the feet gave off that vibe and she .. well, SMACKED the dog down …
Janghe RAGAD!
Oh Ma’am! The older Indian maid that inspired 25 Odes to Indian maids … they so DESERVE IT – and her friend (younger, heavily made up) were out there again today! And the former – well, lets just looking at her soles, my loins stirred. I actually massaged her feet in public – as evidenced …
Grapes, shoe polish, and FEET!
In the PG Wodehouse “Wooster series” (comedy) – Wooster once blackens his face with boot polish to appear black and escape with the, as Wodehouse SAYS, “nigger minstrels” off the boat he was held captive on. All very hilarious – there will NEVER be another PG Wodehouse. Period! I’d do the same for these Madam’s …
Why feet in LAP is such a huge turn on!
One of the things about massage, not just foot massage? It’s so damn personal! And, its almost a natural extension of being a servant and serving, the minute she senses you’re submissive, giving her massages of any nature, head, foot , back, whatever she wants – is but a very natural extension of true submission …
The lovely frazzled to the point of being “crazy” maid (overworked) in the park, literally ogling me like a piece of MEAT. So Madam sHOULD! MUAH.
I almost put my hand around her shoulders, and kissed her, deeply. No, it wasn’t the lady above! It was THIS lady I wrote about SO OFTEN, coming up behind her like a cat, almost – I know she “Felt” me, but didnt know it was me, then the coy smile – those teeth parting, …
The TV shouldn’t be getting your attention, boy, keep it on her legs, soles, SERVING HER!!! Let HER RELAX, YOUR JOB IS TO SERVE …. BOY!!!!!
Oh my! This is another one of those where the fingers BE flying, the PS is about write itself before the email. HEre goes. Malik Paye Lagu! Malkin, Paye Lagu! And when you see her, you’ll know what I mean, tired old Indian maid, not considered attractive, demeaned all day long, and so SHY to …
Nandini Malkin, Paye Lagu, Memsahib… JI!
Malkin, Madam tutored me. Malkin ..! She was so shy she said it, then recalled the message. But this girl, this lady, I’ll always remember her! Those familiar with the story know that last year I was hunting for a credit card, one thing led to the other, subconsciously – this “agent” in India who …