Chairman Mao in China once made the comment about “women holding up half of the sky” – and he was right. Given all the foot binding and other atrocities perpetuated upon women down the ages in China, that was an apt comment – alas, it hasn’t completely ended the “expectations of Chinese women to be …
A fair skinned Bhagwati Madam .. JI?
Its interesting. I wrote 15 odes to her, and yet, I think I should have written 150! Still would be less, anyway, as always, I was thinking of her intensely for hours this afternoon, massaging her feet while she rests in the dark, rubbing her back, getting her comfortable with her real place, as a …
God(dess) I cannot stop cumming to (or stopping it) Bhagwati Devi!
As our hands literally touched today, it took all my will power not to GRAB her – submissively. It took all my will power not to take her bag, ask her to sit down, so I could fetch her water on a tray like a real servant does, wipe her sweat – fan her brow …
Madam, her ARROGANCE, and her HAUGHTY ANKLET, and nAture, MY! Malkin, PAYE LAGU, Memsahib…JI!
Malkin, or Madam! In 16 Indian femdom recollections I wrote about some experiences that didnt just me MAKE SPUT- SPURT LOADS when I wrote it, they made me spurt LOADS to … well, feet I haven’t mentioned anywhere late at night, my first orgasm which I so remember, licking a pair of SOLES, spurting, and …
I feel so SORRY for Bhagwati Maam!
A long time ago, in one of the Sin City Diaries books, I wrote about how a massage worker mocked me – took my money – ran off without even spending the time she should with me – and how she made the comment of “your girlfriend will be very happy!” as her CRACKED soles …
Malik, Paye Lagu, Madam … JI!
My! Over the past few days, another manifestation that happens to me on auto pilot to be honest without me even thinking about it? The BLUE nailpolish on dark skin I keep seeing – on YOUNGER downtrodden ladies in India – either that, or PURPLE! These young maids wear dark colors too contrasting SO WELL …
Bhagwai Malkin, Paye Lagu – again, Ma’am, FOREVER – always!
My lovely sexy OLDER dominating Indian maid has me on edge – literally – for months on end. She knows it too, Madam does! And every time I see her, I almost cum in my pants without even touching myself, and I’ve been fantasizing, REALLY, with deep feeling for something that hasn’t happened as yet …
The ROYAL Bhagwati Devi reclining on the recliner while yours truly presses her cracked, dirty soles…
She is such a Queen! And though she’s a maid, she hates it – especially when my SO tells her to do something (you know how it is, women and their interactions – muah! Sissies understand it the best… truly, as my SO herself said, a woman is often a woman’s worst enemy herself!). Think …
This morning my S.O. shouted out at me – nothing new, eh. “I want to complain!” And so she did, despite constantly telling ME when I do the same that “there’s no use” and ” be sensible”. Hehe. True femdom, NO goose and gander, ALWAYS her way or the highway – yet another example, and …
The beautiful FAT Indian tummy I just saw!
15 odes to older ladies that … SO DESERVE IT! is making WAVES globally, my friend. And so it should, and one of the overriding themes in that book is the same as in all my other books – its about the mind, the VIBE! An idiot recently got back to me on “Krystal the …