Indian Femdom

Bhagwati Ma’am – Thank you SO much for taking an UN-ANNOUNCED holiday!

Ma’am, you’re so NICE! In India, its always a bone of contention between maids and their employers – them taking “unannounced leaves of absence” – and the work that piles up for them in their absence, even if its just a day off. Now true, one should always INFORM one’s employer before taking off, but …

Indian Femdom

I cannot stop thinking about Bhagwati devi .. JI! Which is normal for me, of course..

But this is another level altogether. And it truly is, my friend, this lady, on the social scale even lower than the Chinese ladies I so exulted in introducing to femdom, and then worshipping like never before, like no-one ever did it, and then them watching the tables turn as they FINALLY assumed their rightful …

Indian Femdom

The two “hijras” I saw in India – and the reaction – and … well, more!

Remember this girl, my friend? Well, today Madam had a friend next to her, and though the toes weren’t painted, I touched the feet anyway in my mind – and remember thinking “young girl, such nice long feet Madam has!” And, along with her I keep seeing another slightly younger girl at a store I …