Indian Femdom

Naukrani se… Maharani.

Or Empress, which she always was! I was recently watching the movie “Memoirs of a Geisha”, which follows a similar pattern to the above. A poor Japanese girl sold off to a “geisha house” (they’re girls meant to “entertain”, NOT provide paid sex, though the line often blurs) – who rises (first via training, then …

Indian Femdom

My oh, my! The indian Goddess I just saw decked out in RED walking pigeon footed!

A woman’s dominance can often be measured in yet another way – the way she places her FEET. I still remember a friend of mine complaining about “my wife’s slippers clacking against her heels”. I wish I could have told him how lucky he was~! My S.O, even being the dominant, aggressive bitchy force of …

Indian Femdom

That spit in your MOUTH …

Hehe. It’s not the consensual kind either as in Owned by Madam Aa Ling – my, I’ll never forget that first smooch she gave me, much like I’ll never forget Amanda *Eva*’s voice narrating it. Including her “AA” ling pronunication which upon prompting she later corrected, hehe. Imperfectly perfect is life itself, so am i, …