Pooja Memsahib … JI! Volume TWO

Well, well .. well! CRAVEN SUBMISSION as you saw in the first book – taken a whole another level! It is just me, or are Goddesses’s soles on the front page literally TALKING TO YOU, SNEERING at you? DOWN – BOY! And down I went, in front of many other things other than just feet …

Pooja Memsahib … JI! Volume One

WELL! What can I say, my friend! I’ve written on Indian femdom before, and my immensely popular “Indian Goddess” and “Garima Madam”series bear TESTAMENT to that fact. I’ve gone in depth and in detail on femdom – or so I THOUGHT. Pooja Memsahib … JI! Puts all other books in the shade! The ONE INDIAN …

Serving an Indian Goddess – part Two

Serving an Indian Goddess – part Two Jyoti Ma’am, Paye Lagu … Madam .. JI! This Volume takes you from where we left off in Volume One – which was Madam (and me!) getting used to the Madam-slave relationship – it was a first for both of us!! (especially Madam). And, the ease with which …

Serving an Indian Goddess – Part three of three

Serving an Indian Goddess – Part three of three Jyoti Ma’am, Paye Lagu! This Volume takes you onward from where Volume Two left off. You’ll enjoy the femdom tales and experiences I was put through – as Madam learnt more and more about it too (though it was always there in both of us – …

The Garima Madam Reader

Not just Madam, BOY! *smack* ! MADAM … JI! And I so remember that LESSON, Malkin… JI! This compilation includes the initial “Garima Madam’s Bitch” book – – and the very well received prologue – “Garima Madam – the Prequel”. Grab it now!!  

Garima Madam – the Prequel

Garima Madam – the Prequel A behind the scenes look at how a simple small town girl became, through “dint of circumstance” (which is one of the most powerful motivators ever to DO!) – to a dominant female woman that was always residing inside of her – but that she couldn’t herself in her wildest …

Serving an Indian Goddess – the Sequel – Complete Two Parts

The two sequels for “Serving an Indian Goddess” that take things to an entirely new level. It’s been said that life always comes full circle, and what was meant to be – will happen – regardless. “We just chipped away the rough edges” as Colonel Trautman said in the world famous movie “Rambo III”. And …

Serving an Indian Goddess – Part One

Serving an Indian Goddess – Part One Part one of the world famous and “hauntingly” beautiful series – the background on how I met Priyanka – or Jyoti, as the case might be – and how what was always meant to happen HAPPENED – as it always does! I still remember those lovely pink slippers, …