“Acha ji”…

I still remember Bhagwati saying that to me in a demure, coy, submissive manner when we first met. Hehe. “Acha bhaiya”. Ok brother. Said in a deferential tone in India it signifies respect, willingness to do what the other person asks without question – and a lot of the social class BS in India plays …

Madam jis, strong, confident neck, walk, feet slapping on past!

This isn’t the dhoban I’ve been updating y’all on real time as of late, but another one I’ve written tomes on before! Those lovely dark skinned feet, almost black, uncared for, not maintained, SLAPPING down ARROGANTLY as she walks by piegon footed, my! All draped in old clothes, shawls, yet she’s so worship worthy right …

The perfect Madam and one of my future Malkins sitting there SO expectantly gazing at me , REd toes beckoning, foot dangling..

My dick is twitching away! And as always , it all happens for a good reason, very good one. After a shower I was considering whether or not to get delivery or walk to the store to get what i wanted. Normally I’d choose delivery despite the extra fee. But something made me go out …