Indian Femdom

Femdom odes vs affirmations!

A reader from the subcontinent (lets call him “Tiger” per his request) wrote in with some great remarks on Volume One of “16 Incredibly Powerful Femdom Affirmations that will attract femdom to YOU like moths to a FLAME on auto pilot”.

Volume two of that book was out for sale today, by the way!!

He’s a person that has been, unsuccessfully thus far trying to get his girlfriend to dominate him “24/7” – or “more and more” as he puts it, which equates to a lot of 24/7.

Although he’s got her to a point where she’s at least open to it (he’s a “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from mainland China” buyer as well) – it hasn’t gotten anywhere near what he wants. (the level at which things are now).

They’re in a live in relationship, for what thats worth, though in the subcontinent I understand that it’s a big deal even these days, so kudos to the couple for “bucking traditional mores” in that regard, sometimes there can be too much of a good thing and tradition is NO exception to that rule!

And he was talking about this, which I told him he was doing great in terms of the time it took him to at least open her up to it!

Sometimes, the subconscious mind works miracles quicker than you think, and with my manuals, they often do. Hehe.

The portion of his respnonse that is relevant here is this – –

He was saying the “odes” I’ve written specifically to Rachna Ma’am – and perfect Madam Susan – are also like affirmations in many regards!

Well, that was interesting, Tiger, my friend!

And you’re right.

In many ways, they are!

When I speak of romancing her soles, when I Speak of looking ONLY at her feet unless spoken to, or a bevy of other femdom related “devotion fueled” things … well, all of those could be made into affirmations obviously, there would be nothing at all wrong with someone doing that. In fact Susan drove in like a nail into wood what I knew already about “Talking to her soles” – which is a cardinal affirmation – – so you’re spot on Tiger!

But in the book on affirmations mentioned above, I take care to give you affirmations that aren’t the ones people commonly think of, often times they have nothing to do whatsoever (directly) with fetish either!

THOSE are the hidden tips and tricks – and affirmations – that paying customers get from my books – that really work wonders, and most people would never think of them.

If I really wanted to put out more “volume” (no pun!) as opposed to quality then we would probably be at book #5 in terms of affirmations.

But Mike Watson makes sure his paying customers get more than what they bargained for – a hell of a lot more – always!

But he’s right, those could be affirmations too, so there would be nothing with you adding to your collection, Tiger!

On another note, they dont celebrate Thanksgiving in that part of the world, but what he bought is a great, great Thanksgiving present – one that keeps on giving long after you give and “do” if you get my drift, and truly gets you closer to your goals, desires and aims femdom (and therefore life) wise as opposed to a lot of the other junk people run around buying for “festive occasions”.


That’s that.

Back soon.


Mike Watson

PS – With the affirmations, each succeeding book takes the affirmations, and their IMPACT to a whole different level altogether. If you thought Volume One brought results that boggle the mind, well, Volume Two will literally bring results that boggle, dazzle and ASTOUND not just the mind, but the imagination too femdom wise.

Get these books NOW if you have not already.

YES, volume Three is already in the works!

Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Femdom Enthusiast, Writer and more!

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