This one comes across as even more unplanned than a lot of my other posts.
And yes, it’s for cucks – Madams – studs – sissies – and all of them, even Bozo Glyn Schofields that keep trolling everyone – and Josie – and everyone else.
DO follow me, you should, and why
Not just because it’s a great pre-cursor to buying my outstanding books and products and possibly even more popular RESULTS bringing MANUALS!!!!
But, … but anyway.
I just took a huge dump.
Before that, I noticed the rice I ate, a massive spoon plunged into it – “ladle ” side.
Like a cock into a tight ass …
Hehe. So apt, both of these things, considering what I’m about to say now.
Which is this, and I said this on Twitter.
IT’s so good for off the cuff random thoughts (which is why it was created in the first place, and most have forgotten about that in the rush to make sales etc, and grow followings, and what not).
I mean trust me, social media is GREAT for making sales – so is email – and social media too if you know how to utilize it.
Yours truly does so well…
But, those thoughts – and more than buying anything?
It’s FREE tiltilation for YOU, my friend.
And trust me, if studs, cucks and sissies all get turned on by it – and remember, lots of pictures etc which are not there on either site, then – it’s definitely worth a follow.
I could care less about follower numbers.
I do so care about having fun, and sharing my PASSION with the world!
I just can’t stop doing it.
And, even if you’re not a buyer – social media – well you’ll love my feed!
(And if you’re on social media, lets say you sign up after reading this – write back – let m eknow – I’ll giv eyou a 10% discount off your next purchase!)
(If you review, another additional 10% so long as it’s a genuine review!)
But lets see, right off the bat, social media,
I shared pictures of cocks, cuckolds, but first of all (I’ll quote from memory)
“I never thought I would NOT think of cock, but I’m not now!”
“It’s all about her, the MIND!”
(after looking at Madam’spit bubbles, and mixed in with her roach!) .
And her “so called unmade up self”.
I wasn’t even thinking of the black dude’s dong.
Then as soon as I said it, a while later, there I was. Dongs, licking his perennnial region and more!
“So sexy to lick his perennial region!”
And more …
More? –
You also get added benefit of interacting with women and my followers for free – with or without me involved.
Sometimes, it’s about more than just sales, hehe.
It’s about … well, the free benefits you get just from following that Twitter account!
And if you’re passionate about femdom, you’ll follow it anyway!
Mike Watson