Indian Femdom

Raw, brutal – UNCENSORED – FEET – and soles!

It’s something I’ve spoke about before. It’s why I’m so attracted to Indian maids, so called “lower class” women in China, ladies of the night and such.

The tougher life gets, the more brutal the fight for daily survival, the more NATURAL it gets – and looks.

My fetish writings indeed hit home in a manner no other do- primarily because it’s reality mixed in with a dose of creative license and NOT the other way around. Watching Pooja Madam (or Memsahib….hi, hehe) sitting out there in the heat with her vegetable cart, one beautifully done foot showing, watching the lovely older divine Goddess Bhagwati cleaning, splayed foot (my, that pose!) dominantly poking out from under saree in nothing but worn slippers – oh my – it hit home for me – again.

It’s also why I’ve always preferred raw, natural, unpedicured – over manicured, smelling good etc.

Don’t get me wrong. The latter is very worship worthy indeed, but the hard labor these women I’m referring to do daily – it makes things so much more NATURAL. It also enhances their feminity beyond any belief – regardless of looks, clothes, or any of the external BS.

Bhagwati Devi could and often does wear the same sari daily. The same worn slippers. The same horribly cracked soles.

I’d still – and do – worship her like the Goddess she truly is! There is something so brutally REAL about that foot – coal black – dirty – dusty – her grey hair (the wisps) – even the dark blue nailpolish Madam uses that sets her apart from.tjr rest.

Just like me, myself. I’ve never been one for external accrouements. Those are great. But it’s your internal vibe that trumps all, friend. That’s exactly the reason I keep talking about vibe all the time and my so called out in the open secret to attracting females at a level most can’t dream of.

I’d worship ALL these ladies – and their lovely vibe all day long. I’ve written about that enough, of course.

But it’s never enough is it?

And that’s that.

Pick up some steaming hot tales of Indian femdom here.

You won’t regret it and will learn a heck of a lot.

And that’s that!


Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Femdom Enthusiast, Writer and more!

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