Indian Femdom

Loving her inspite of all her imperfections!

There she was, a South Indian lady I’ve semi simped to a LOT – publicly.

And there she was, replete in all her imperfection – fat – dark, not conventionally pretty – lots of people would say lots of things.

To me, I almost fell to my knees seeing her make the China style “thumb and forefinger” gesture (a lot of Indian girls seem to follow Chinese girls doing all this!) … (well, they know how the Chinese girls HOOK the men, but as I’ve said before, “following and apeing” doesnt quite work, it would work better if they maintained their OWN brand of domination, but hey, thats there too – hehe).

Its that one look that does it.

That ONE flick of the finger, or wrist.

I could literally simp all day to Madam, thank her for all her imperfections, whils she rests, relaxes, enjoys!

Thank you for being fat, out of shape, thank you for not being conventionally pretty, begging to PAY her – and more!


Just another one time Mike Watson has been taken for a loop!

And thats that for this one, remember, the above is a CARDINAL FEMDOM AFFIRMATION that must be not just remembered, but FOLLOWED very religiously!

And to learn the rest, go here.

Remember too, to pick up the BOOK on attracting female dominance, or whichever goal you so choose to yourself willy nilly, like moths to a flame, roaches to darkness, and so forth – hehe.

I look forward to hearing about your SUCCESS. YES!


Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Femdom Enthusiast, Writer and more!

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