Indian Femdom

“Kamar Mal De”!

Ma’am is so, so NICE! REALLY!

A long, long time ago – and Ms Priyanka told me about this – there was an advertisement in India – or maybe, I dont know, the entire subcontinent – of a brand named “Moov”.

It was basically one of those ointments for aches and pains.

And the ads would show a lady – with lower back pain – having it massaged out!

And I’d … well, before I say that. IF you can see fetish in just that – you’re a true submissive and fetishist!

Remember, no skin show – just the woman on her side, while someone else massaged her lower back, but the lower back was the ONLY part showing, and the SOLE!

And the moans of pleasure she gave … oh my!

I’ve got a sore lower back myself today, and I can understand – as I stretched it out, the moans of pleasure, and I thought of ma’am!

Feet and soles aside, boy, the LOWER Back for women is what they need rubbed most – and their shoulders, traps and neck – and HEAD!

Yes, the soles too – dont get me wrong, but way too many guys focus on themselves, not what she wants/needs!

I remember my Grandma, an old lady with diabetes – and she needed injections.

I think a nurse would come in to do it.

We know all about lovely Indian nurses, hehe.

And as she lay there on her side, the rolls of fat would SPILL OUT!

And she’d get injected, and I’d just stare at her SOLE!



Pity I couldn’t press them right there and then!

But we often played “foot games” when young – maybe thats how it eventually found an outlet!

I still remember the first time I EVER came.

It was to a pair of SOLES – sleeping soles!

Whose – how – I’ll let you know later, but I was just 12 – or I think, almost 12!

I dont know, but I remember that first orgasm…

I was kissing her feet, soles, and I was pressing them – she kept sleeping – then I LICKED them – the dust off each sole … and I remember cumming, I remember that “welling up in the balls”, and I just came!

I dont know if I had a lot of pleasure the first time!

But it was my first orgasm, and plenty more after that. Lets say stained bedsheets played a huge part in it, and I’d wake up in the mornings, face still smelling of feet (or tongue). Hehe.

Anyway …………………. we ALL have those stories, so write back and tell me about your first time too!

Fetish, sex, whatever it is …

Maybe I’ll write more about that (what I said above).

Highly controversial, so be WARNED upfront!

But anyway ………

So Madams lower back!

Pearl loved that more than anything, and you readers of Submissive Musings know this, but do you know the best part?

It wasn’t pressing her waist as she snored like a Queen all nigth, it wasn’t her, it wasn’t the cuckolding, it wasn’t her taunts, that lovely VOICE, oh MY!

It was all that yes, and the findom made me cum on command, almost as I bought her things, she’s so NICE!

But it was the way she spoke to me AFTER a whole night of NOT SLEEPING – and pressing her back dutifully better than any real slave ever could, because I was so passionate about it … that really, really DID IT BIG TIME!


She just embedded “he’s a servant” so naturally into a brain, and was SO rude to me, I SO LOVED IT!

Just like Princess Sophia, “NO YOU FOOL!” – said true Asian style, so NICE!

Women are so awesome, my friend.

What more can I say!


Mike Watson

PS – “Kamar Mal!” – those words are a turn on – even more 0r as much as “Per Daba!”

Or, “Chalu rakh!”

You “Indian Goddess” readers know the meaning of the latter two, but the former and again, thanks for teaching me Priyanka – “knead my WAIST!” (said in a way you’d only speak to a lower down!)

Mike Watson

Mike Watson

Femdom Enthusiast, Writer and more!

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